I just happen to have a picture of grated beets
I just happen to have a picture of grated beets

Email from member Mary in Brookline says:

“…this is a super beet recipe…I think it has such a wonderful flavor and the guys in my house who don’t like beets really liked this one!

 Grate an equal amount of carrots and beets (I used the food processor) and place in bowl.  No need to peel either veggie before grating, just wash carefully.  Add a handful of toasted walnuts and a handful of chopped parsley.  Dress with a dressing of 1/3 lemon juice to 2/3 olive oil..amount determined by how many veggies you grated!  Add a pinch of salt, pepper, and sugar, shake well and toss with salad.  I served mine in a bowl lined with arugula….we ate every bit!  Enjoy!”