

another year when the pumpkins wee nice 🙂
pile of pumpkins
Pile of pumpkins

Varieties we grow and love:


As always, fresh produce is most delicious and nutritious when consumed as close to the harvest date as possible.

Most pumpkins will store perfectly in a cool, dry place for months. Check often for bad spots and use right away if you discover any. All the pumpkins freeze well after fully cooked.


Culinary Info

– can be enjoyed in: SO many things…remember, pumpkins have been a staple in America since before 5000 BC!!!!

  • as a side, mashed
  • roasted
  • PIE!
  • risotto
  • soup

Tips for preparing: if you have need for cooked pumpkin, then go ahead, halve, clean out seeds, and bake until soft. If your recipe calls for raw pumpkin, scrub the skin, do the best you can peeling and then chop or grate as needed.

We grow several pumpkins that are like spaghetti squash. You can scrape out a lot of the “guts” and saute them as a great side. By the way, you can use many pumpkins interchangeably with winter squashes.

Some of the smaller varieties are best with the top cut out, seeds scooped and then baked until done. Butter and seasoning can be added, top replaced before baking 🙂


Also check out these great recipes: