

Red raspberries

Varieties we grow and love:

We actually grow a bunch of varieties of red raspberries… kind of “never put all your eggs in one basket” mentality.

  • Killarny
  • Prelude
  • Boyne
  • Encore
  • Caroline
  • Heritage
  • Polana

And then there are the golden yellow raspberries like Anne and Double Gold, as well as the black raspberries like Bristol and Jewel.


As always, fresh produce is most delicious and nutritious when consumed as close to the harvest date as possible.

The nature of the delicate raspberry is they are hard to harvest and even harder to store. Plan on using your berries the day you got them from us or the following day. We do not treat our berries with anything, so with all that potential moisture from the morning dew, and the fact that raspberries are 85-90% water…one fungus spore is in heaven. If you plan of storing your berries, try spreading them out on a plate in the fridge and tent with plastic wrap.

All raspberries freeze beautifully! Spread out on a cookie sheet, freeze, then they are ready to package up. They are perfect for muffins, topping desserts, and if you must, smoothies 🙂

Culinary Info

– can be enjoyed in:

  • Best fresh out of the box!
  • fresh on ice cream (or if you are making your own…toss them into your favorite vanilla recipe)
  • jams
  • sauces/coulis
  • scones, muffins…

Tips for preparing:

I never wash my raspberries. Back to the water issue, they are only going to get soggier. HOWEVER, if you must, try dissolving some salt in a large bowl of water, with your raspberries in a colander, lower them into the water bath, agitate the colander, swishing the berries around, gently lift out of the water bath and rinse under a water spray. The same method can be used with a vinegar bath (3 parts water to 1 part vinegar). This method would also potentially mitigate spoilage by knocking back any spores.


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