Everything you’ve been getting plus corn, a tomato and a pepper or eggplant.

You MAY have these things: Summer squash of some variety or color, corn, beans or cucumbers, chard, beets, or kale, tomato, blueberries, peppers, eggplant? potatoes?…

In the coming weeks you will be seeing peppers and hopefully lots of tomatoes. We have just started picking a few, so I cannot be sure when you will first get any in your box. Boy, if there was ever a season you needed to be watching your crops closely, this is it. This kind of humidity is perfect breeding ground for all sorts of viruses and fungus and bacteria! If you see a white film on your tomatoes or peppers, no worries, we are just protecting your food. The spray we use is on the OMRI list of approved chemicals for organic production. The compound is mostly copper and it helps prevent some of the common diseases we see this time of year. The product we use has an LD50 of 15,000 mg/kg! [if this is a new term for you, the higher the number, the safer the chemical; aspirin has an LD50 of 250mg/kg, rotenone (commonly used by organic growers, which we do not use) LD50 of 132mg/kg]. Bottom line, rinse your produce, but you would have to eat tons of peppers (yes, thousands of pounds) to suffer any detrimental effect and I am pretty you’d suffer from severe gas and bloating before that happened 😉

I make a lot of frittata. It’s simple, flexible, and adaptable for most any vegetable. I also like that it is portable and usually good cold too 🙂

Swiss Chard Fritatta

  • 1 onion chopped
  • 1 zucchini, chopped
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • 1 bunch swiss chard leaves chopped
  • 2 T olive oil
  • 1 pepper chopped
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 5 eggs
  • ½ tsp basil, oregano, thyme
  •   1 c. shredded cheddar or parm
  • Ground pepper to taste

In 9 or 10” oven proof skillet, saute onion and garlic in oil with seasonings for 5-8 minutes. Add zucchini and chard. Add pepper and mushroom in using. Beat eggs and add cheese, pour over veggies. Put in 400 degree oven and cook 12-15 minutes or until set.

If you are new to frittata, and you like eggs and cheese with stuff, you will find you can fry up most anything and pour eggs and cheese over it. Paired with a salad and you have a perfect supper!

Green beans (or anything) with Garlic

Sauté 2 cups green beans in olive oil with cover on, tossing as needed. When almost tender, add 2 cloves minced garlic and cook another minute. Salt to taste.

(yep, what isn’t good sautéed in garlic and olive oil: squash, corn, eggplant, kale, chard….)

From member Alyssa Just thought I would share a really yummy recipe we are having for dinner tonight with tons of fresh produce from our CSA share! This can be varied a million different ways to use whatever is in the box!

  • 1lb ground beef
  • 2 summer squash- grated
  • 3-4 carrots- grated
  • can or black beans
  • fresh ginger and garlic grated to taste along with soy sauce and honey
  • Head of lettuce
  • brown rice

Cook up the meat, add beans, then add in all the grated veggies and cook down. Add in soy sauce, honey, grated ginger and garlic to taste. (we like a lot!)
Serve meat/veggie mixture in a lettuce leaf with rice. My husband loves to add red pepper paste or sriracha or whatever Korean hot pepper spice thing he happens to have in the fridge.
So delicious, so fast and easy, and so tasty!!!! You could even use a pre made sauce from the Asian section of the grocery store to make it even faster, we just love us some fresh ginger and garlic. Plus we have some amazing local honey that I love any excuse to use.

Farm Dirt

The bluebirds are busy everywhere in the yard and now they have been joined by the Cedar Waxwings. They were busy in my front garden collecting long blades of fescue for their nest. Our yard and farm has become a toadery and a frogery – full of tiny (and I do mean tiny) baby toads and tree frogs hopping about. I get off my lawnmower frequently to move them to safety when I see them J

We started picking peaches and you may see them at the market…you willprobably will see them with your box next week.

We are expecting our new potato digger to arrive this week. I have big hopes that this will facilitate the potato harvest and cut back on the hours it takes to harvest. We plan on harvesting a couple times a week instead of daily – that will be nice!

I will keep you posted and take pictures.


Eat well,

Geneviève Stillman