CSA Week 9, 2016
Week 9, 2016 You MAY have these things: eggplant, corn, lettuce, summer squash of some variety or color, tomatoes, peppers, chard or beets or kale… The tomatoes are beautiful right […]
Week 9, 2016 You MAY have these things: eggplant, corn, lettuce, summer squash of some variety or color, tomatoes, peppers, chard or beets or kale… The tomatoes are beautiful right […]
CSA Week 8, 2016 slowly catching up with the blog 🙂 You MAY have these things: lettuce, summer squash of some variety or color, beans or cucumbers, chard or beets, […]
Week 7 You MAY have these things: lettuce, summer squash of some variety or color, beans or cucumbers, chard or beets, blueberries, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes? I realized mid-week that some […]
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