
But you are vegetable growers…
Glenn grew up on a dairy farm, so it came as no surprise when he decided to start raising cows again. Belted Galloways were a perfect fit for the farm for many reasons: first, they look really wonderful grazing in the pasture; second, they are very hardy, requiring no shelter, adapting well to the weather, and capable of producing good beef on grass alone. It is a wonderful bonus that the development of the herd is helping to sustain a threatened breed, now on the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy watch list. It is thought they are most likely a cross between the Dutch Belted and Black Galloway cattle of Scotland.
The animals add an extra layer of hair for winter protection, where many other breeds add fat. On our farm, the animals mature slowly and naturally under their normal grass diets. It takes longer to raise an animal strictly on grass (that’s why most cattle are fed corn), but the end result is very lean and flavorful. We often muse about the ground beef being so low in fat that we have to fry the hamburgers in butter.
“Belted Galloway meat is low in total fat and saturated fat, Belted Galloway meat is high in the beneficial omega-3 fatty acid and lower in omega six. It has an excellent a mega 6/omega-3 ratio, it contains good high levels of the EPA and DHA, it is more beneficial than pork loin, and about as good as roasting chicken and salmon fillet.” Excerpt from 1995 paper by A.R.C.Butson, M.D.
We also offer our beef at some of our markets in the summer… not to be confused with Kate (Stillman’s Quality Meats). The meat is remarkably lean, hormone free, no antibiotics, and, of course, conscientiously grown. At times, we have half and whole animals for sale.

We do not ship our beef…buy local! The meat is remarkably lean, hormone free, no antibiotics, and, of course, conscientiously grown©. From time to time we will have whole animals for sale. We know the price of our beef is higher than some, but consider the shortcuts that have been made around the world to produce beef faster, which means cheaper. Our animals are on pasture everyday, they are never locked in a barn, but have free access to shelter. In fact, we just completed a new structure for the cows to loaf in during the inclement weather. Having said that, it’s amazing the weather they will stay out in – must be that heavy coat of fur.

Our cattle are frequently photographed and are a beautiful sight in any season. The beef does cook differently – not like corn fed or finished beef which are much heavier in fat. Marinade is always a good idea for steaks and some fat in pan for hamburgs is almost necessary. Bulk Hamburg Buy bulk ground beef $175 for 25 pounds. That’s a $75 savings over market price. The meat is frozen in 1 pound packages and makes the tastiest hamburgers, chili, enchilada – you name it! A side or whole beef $5.00/lb hanging weight

We will take orders for sides of beef at any time, but most of our slaughtering takes place in the Fall. Please contact Genevieve to be placed on the waiting list or 508-867-7193. We will contact you with availability. The price of a side or whole animal is based on the hanging weight. This is the weight of the animal as it hangs after it has been slaughtered, but before it has been butchered. The hanging weight of a Beltie side can range from 200-300lbs.

We will provide customers with a cutting sheet so the cuts and size of packages may be customized per household. The recommended packaging is in freezer paper. This is actually the best way to keep meat over time. The customer is responsible for picking up the meat when ready. We may use Blood’s Slaughter House in Groton, MA or Adams Slaughter House in Athol, MA, both USDA inspected. Find Adam’s Slaughterhouse cut sheet here.

The rule of thumb for freezer space is 30lbs of meat per cubic foot…so plan on least 7 cubic feet of freezer space, depending how the meat is cut. The online resource most often used in this household, as well as many other farmer friends we have, is Ask the Meatman. It is a great resource for all types of meats, cuts, recipes, butchering, etc.