CSA Week 5, 2015
You MAY have these things: Summer squash of some variety or color, lettuce (of some variety), beans, cucumbers of some variety, chard or beets, beans of some variety?, kale, peppers? […]
You MAY have these things: Summer squash of some variety or color, lettuce (of some variety), beans, cucumbers of some variety, chard or beets, beans of some variety?, kale, peppers? […]
Happy Independence Day! There will not be a CSA pickup on the 4th, but Friday members will pickup an extra week at the end of the season J Handy info […]
The peas and corn are being planted as I write! I really hope the worst weather is behind us and that we can look forward to green shoots poking up […]
AWESOME! Just saw one on our way back from Templeton! We were picking up some cabinets for the new headhouse and he flew across the road. Here is a pic […]