Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) at the workplace encourages healthy lifestyle and is part of many corporate health and wellness programs.
Is your company already participating? Sign up here!

We have organized CSA programs for over 20 years but just three years ago we were approached by a company looking to offer a CSA pickup at their corporate location. It seemed like such a great idea to get people’s shares delivered right to work. I mean, if you are actually working, when are you going to get to the farmer’s market to buy your seasonal produce?

Employees have loved the convenience of getting local grown produce at work when so often their lives are too busy to get to the farmers’ market. They can simply grab their bag at work, go directly home and make healthy meals!

Stillman’s Farm-to-Workplace CSA runs for 16 weeks from mid-June through mid-October and includes a wide variety of delicious and nutritious in-season fruits and veggies in weekly share boxes.

Having been named Boston’s Best CSA, Stillman’s is proud to be providers of locally grown seasonal produce and CSA shares throughout Boston for over twenty years. We remain grateful to the many customers who have been members for years!

Our Farm-to-Workplace CSAs: Good for you, good for the land, good for all.
  • Our produce is fresher, healthier and tastier
  • All our produce in conscientiously grown, sustainable, responsible, safe
  • Delivers fresh picked affordable produce weekly right to your door
  • Offers ease and convenience to a wide variety of fruits and vegetables
  •  Includes weekly newsletters with quick & delicious recipes & storage tips
  • Supports local agriculture, land stewardship & responsible farming
  • Provides farm access for employees looking for a break from city life
  • Invitation to the farm for “gleaning” and other events
  • Assists us in our donation of excess produce to Massachusetts food pantries and shelters

Conscientiously grown by our family for yours!

Check out our interactive availability chart which shows when crops are in season and can be expected in your CSA share:  fruit and veggie seasonality

Read a sample newsletter: Season 2018 Week 6

  • I so enjoy my Stillman CSA boxes. What a treat every week. The corn is unbelievable. The tomatoes are award winning. And getting fruit from a CSA is just amazing. Thank you Stillmans, keep up the great work!

    Jan, Wellesley

  • I am a proud to be a member of Stillman’s CSA because it is wonderful to be able to ask questions and get honest answers about how the food is grown. It’s great that Stillman’s avoids GMO seeds and the toxic pesticides that go with them. I love to supporting a Massachusetts farm, getting to know my farmer, and receiving top notch produce week after week!

    Dave, Newton

  • Our family has been a happy CSA member with Stillman’s farm for more years than I can count. The welcome to visit the farm is wonderful and the farm is a beautiful place to walk around, do some picking and just to get out of the city and experience where our food comes from. Each time I go there I savor the layout of the fields and the beauty of the plants & fruit trees. I wear myself out walking all over and taking it all in!

    Martha, Cambridge

  • Getting our CSA share every week was always the highlight! It was delicious! I didn’t even think I liked corn until I tried Stillman’s. It was healthy! So much came in my box that I began including extra veggies with every meal. It forced us to get creative. Peach jam! Kale and corn succotash! It was environmentally friendly. Buying a CSA reduced the transportation distance of the food and significantly cut down on packaging too. We are going to be CSA members for a long time!

    Kelsey, Quincy

  • This is the best CSA going, in my opinion, and I had a CSA share in Pittsburg, PA when I lived there. When I moved to Boston, I tried 2 others before discovering Stillman’s CSA. The Stillmans have so much to be proud of!

    Lisa, Burlington

  • The reason I have always signed up for this CSA is for locally, non GMO, sustainably grown, diverse seasonal foods, including fruits, where I can talk with the farmer and know therm. This is what separates Stillman’s from the rest!

    Jenna, Lexington

  • This is our first ever year with a CSA and we are thrilled. The vegetables were consistently fresh, varied and delicious!

    Peter, Charlestown

  • Please don’t ever stop growing produce. We lived on your peaches and heirloom tomatoes this summer, corn too. Pink beets are a favorite as well!

    Ellen, Watertown

  • The Stillman family’s passion and commitment to produce healthy, wholesome, delicious and varied fruits and vegetables shines through to us. We’ve enjoyed our veggie CSA for several seasons now and love trying all the different produce we get each week. I feel my family is eating better than ever!

    Katie, Jamaica Plain

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We would be delighted to  become part of your healthy workplace routine!

Ready to bring healthy, fresh, local produce to your workplace?

Please contact us to chat about your needs and how we can fill them: Call US! 5088677193 or submit the form below and be sure to include what times are convenient for you to chat.
Preferred contact